Spend your free time productively
Interesting books on the topic of medicine
A book is medicine for the soul, and a storehouse of sciences, and a source of wisdom.
©A. Glukhov
Movies and TV series on the topic of medicine
Medicine is love, otherwise it is worthless.
©Paul de Kruif
Medical Clothing Stores
Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak
©Rachel Zoe
Top 9 channels for studying medicine:
Medical lectures with a clear and concise explanation
Educational short video animations on medical topics
Educational videos not only on medical, but also on other scientific topics
Here, the presenter talks about incredible cases from the practice of familiar doctors. A gamer whose organs shut down after a continuous 73-hour game of the console, a child who ate 150 marmalade vitamins, a girl who suddenly grew a beard — and these are just some of the stories that you have to learn about.
Videos about important medical topics using animation and illustration
A channel focusing on physiology and pathophysiology
With the help of clear infographics, within 15-30 minutes, the practitioner explains how the main processes in our body proceed, dispels various medical myths.
Experts tell us what effect antidepressants, antibiotics and other medicines can have, explain what processes and changes occur in the body when they are used.
Experts from different fields answer common questions about the human body, talk about rare diseases and cases when people have overcome them on their own.
Top 4 channels for studying medicine in Russian:
Here you can learn about what the lymphatic pharyngeal ring is, understand the physiology of the kidneys, pump up neural connections and learn how our internal organs work. All important information is neatly packaged in small videos that last no more than 10 minutes, so you definitely won't get bored in time.
A medical project to explain complex and relevant topics in simple and accessible language.
In small ten-minute videos, experts talk about anatomy. In addition, experts explain how you can do standard procedures yourself, for example, put drops in your eyes, safely remove the helmet from a motorcyclist, and provide first aid in case of a fracture.
КThe channel of the associate professor of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University with basic concepts of pharmacology.
Podcasts in Russian
The medical community of Russia. Conversations with practitioners on various topics — from communicating with doctors and patients to fighting cancer and the HIV epidemic
Why are we still alive
A podcast about medical discoveries that have changed the world.
Such things. Human life
A candid monologue about the well-being, the course of treatment and the experiences of a person with cancer. This is the audio diary of oncologist Andrei Pavlenko, who died of stomach cancer in January 2020
The naked digger
Biologist and journalist Ilya Kolmanovsky speaks with experts on various topics — from scientific discoveries to the fight against infections.

MedCast #It'sTimeToTalk
Oncologist Marina Tikhonova and journalist Katya Sundukova analyze popular issues related to the treatment of oncohematological diseases that scare everyone, but which can be defeated
Medical record
In each issue, the presenters discuss medical discoveries and changes in the perception and treatment of diseases
The life of doctors
Anna Levadnaya, a neonatologist, pediatrician, candidate of medical Sciences and popularizer of medicine interviews doctors from around the world.
Breathe — don't breathe
How do you set boundaries so that you don't get calls on weekends? How do I tell a person the bad news? How can I express sympathy and support my loved ones?

A podcast in which we eavesdrop on how doctors train to find common ground with patients, but actually learn to understand each other better.

Houston, we have a problem!
Leading clinical psychologists and cognitive behavioral therapists discuss how psychotherapy and knowledge of psychology can make life better.
Contacts for communication

Phone: +7 (980)477-05-80
Email: hotsinfo@mail.ru

Russian Federation, 117437, Moscow, st. Profsoyuznaya, house 104, P.CCXV, K.4